If you want to go back to the MPC website, please follow this link to the MPC Home Page
For instructions on how to use Jira and some useful tips, please check the MPC Contact Page
Your ticket will only be seen by the MPC staff, but you can opt-in to view and share Jira tickets with other MPC Users. This google doc explains step-by-step how to do it.
Before you open a Jira ticket, please check on our Frequently Asked Questions page if we have already answered to your question.
For important communication from the MPC, please check our Status Page.
The MPC is in the process of restructuring the web sites. Some pages are already deprecated or will be soon deprecated. For a complete list, please check our Deprecated Pages page.
General Support
Welcome! You can raise a MPC help General Support request from the options provided. This includes problems with MPC services and data, issues with submissions, and problems with discovery credit.
Welcome! You can raise a NEOCP request from the options provided.
Comets HELP
Welcome! You can raise a Comet request from the options provided.
TNOs and Natural Satellite HELP
Welcome! You can raise a TNOs or Natural Satellite HELP request from the options provided.
Database Replication
Welcome! You can raise a request for Database Replication using the options provided.
Online Reporting Astrometric Observations
For online submission of observations in ADES format, please use the submit_xml form for submissions in XML format, or the submit_psv form for submissions in PSV format. The pages also contain instructions on how you can submit observations via cURL.
For online submission of observations in the MPC1992 (80-column) format, please use the cURL form or send them via e-mail to obs@cfa.harvard.edu.
Subscription to Minor Planet Center Notification Services
Subscription to Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs)
If you want to SUBSCRIBE to receive email notifications when MPECs are issued please use this link.
If you want to UNSUBSCRIBE to receive email notifications when MPECs are issued please use this link.
MPC Announcement Email List/Group
The MPC has established a mailing list to facilitate communication of important announcements (e.g. scheduled outages, significant data releases, etc).
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{"xsrfToken":"ac378fba82376c07a31768ca85b661486bc028cf_lout","helpCenterBranding":{"logoId":"","isLogoAvailable":false,"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Minor Planet Center Help Center","sharedPortalName":"MPC Help Center","userInitialAnnouncementHeader":"Useful information","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<ul class=\"alternate\" type=\"square\">\n <li>If you want to go back to the MPC website, please follow this link to the <a href=\"https://minorplanetcenter.net\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">MPC Home Page</a></li>\n <li>For instructions on how to use Jira and some useful tips, please check the <a href=\"https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpcops/contact/\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">MPC Contact Page</a></li>\n <li>Your ticket will only be seen by the MPC staff, but you can opt-in to view and share Jira tickets with other MPC Users. This <a href=\"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aIC0ruXItYhdxfDNVzchb08IMghwAe_WNbhIpD1Mdk8/edit?usp=sharing\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">google doc</a> explains step-by-step how to do it.</li>\n <li>Before you open a Jira ticket, please check on our <a href=\"https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpcops/documentation/faqs/\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Frequently Asked Questions</a> page if we have already answered to your question.</li>\n <li>For important communication from the MPC, please check our <a href=\"https://minorplanetcenter.net/iau/MPCStatus.html\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Status Page</a>.</li>\n <li>The MPC is in the process of restructuring the web sites. Some pages are already deprecated or will be soon deprecated. For a complete list, please check our<br> <a href=\"https://minorplanetcenter.net/deprecated-pages.html\" class=\"external-link\" rel=\"nofollow noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Deprecated Pages</a> page.</li>\n</ul>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Minor Planet Center Help Center","sharedPortalName":"MPC Help Center","announcementHeader":"Useful information","announcementMessage":"- If you want to go back to the MPC website, please follow this link to the [MPC Home Page|https://minorplanetcenter.net]\n- For instructions on how to use Jira and some useful tips, please check the [MPC Contact Page|https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpcops/contact/]\n- Your ticket will only be seen by the MPC staff, but you can opt-in to view and share Jira tickets with other MPC Users. This [google doc|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aIC0ruXItYhdxfDNVzchb08IMghwAe_WNbhIpD1Mdk8/edit?usp=sharing] explains step-by-step how to do it.\n- Before you open a Jira ticket, please check on our [Frequently Asked Questions|https://minorplanetcenter.net/mpcops/documentation/faqs/] page if we have already answered to your question.\n- For important communication from the MPC, please check our [Status Page|https://minorplanetcenter.net/iau/MPCStatus.html].\n- The MPC is in the process of restructuring the web sites. Some pages are already deprecated or will be soon deprecated. For a complete list, please check our \n[Deprecated Pages|https://minorplanetcenter.net/deprecated-pages.html] page.\n","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#0074e0","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","bannerMediaApiUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/21c64ed0-d991-48b6-8917-6296103592fd/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiI0ZDdkN2RkNi1iNjJiLTQwMjgtYjgxZi1lYjhkMjQ1NjYzZTYiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjIxYzY0ZWQwLWQ5OTEtNDhiNi04OTE3LTYyOTYxMDM1OTJmZCI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3MzUyNDIzNTUsIm5iZiI6MTczNTI0MTc1NX0.ZBvA679Nh_82Y3OW4N1DJSJaIgDK31jAf6bzKQA4_Fo&client=4d7d7dd6-b62b-4028-b81f-eb8d245663e6&height=300&mode=fit","bannerMediaApiFileId":"21c64ed0-d991-48b6-8917-6296103592fd","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false}}